Copy trading Installation with “Alice Blue” in Indian Stock Market
Step-by-Step "Installation Instructions" to add as a Master Account
1. Click on below link to login Web Panel for adding a Master and Child Account in Copy Trading Software in Indian Stock Market
Click Here - Web Panel
2. Add your Login Credentials (Id and Password) and Click Login
3. Click on "Add Parent" and Select the Broker from the dropdown, which you want to add as a parent Account
4. Enter Client Id, Password, and Year of Birth on Copy Trading Software, Check further steps to get (API Key)
5. For "API Key", Login to ANT WEB below Link
6. Enter Client Id, Password, Year of Birth and TOTP next click on Login
7. Click on "Apps"
8. Click on "API Key" on (Ant web)
9. Click on Generate API Key
10. Click on Confirm for "Generate API Key "
11. Copy "API Key "
12. Enter "API Key" and Click on Submit
13. Alice Blue "Parent broker" Added on Copy Trading Software
14. Steps to Follow Alice Blue as a "Child Broker" in Copy Trading Software
Click on Select Parent from the Dropdown and select parent broker which you added to the parent account, next Select Broker and Choose Alice Blue
15. Enter User Id, Client Name, Password on Copy Trading Software
16. Enter API Key and Year of Birth, Same steps can be followed (check above details)
17. Enter "Multiplier" (Multiplier- Master Account trade quantity is 100 > multiplier 2 > Traded Quantity on child account is 200), and for "Tag" Enter STG1 and Click on submit.
18. "Alice Blue" (Child Broker) Added on Copy Trading Software